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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Stress + Tired = FATIQUE

Hi people, thanks for taggin. Anyway sori didnt blog coz busy with test and so on. Lately i sleep early everyday and wake up early like around 5a.m coz i have to be at the training centre by 8a.m Phew... tired tho but i still managed to get a hang on it. Tapi 1 thing yg aku inda tahan klau on the road, all the stupid driver!! Within this few weeks ada sja incident krita ku kan kna langgar.Sial kima bnar drg ah!

Ok just now got test and it was so damn fucking confusing!! and what worse is that we have to get 100% i repeat 100%!!!!! but thank god that its not only me who did mistake. Well tomorow gonna have a first aid kit course for 3 days and 2 more weeks to go for SEP, after that cabin service which we will be train intensively. And again this week we gonna have aircraft visit, this is the third time..the first aircraft i visited is Airbus 319, 320 then last monday boeing 767.i got the picture tho in my mobile but dont know how to put it here. biasala i'm computer retarded.

Oh yeah last saturday we have a practical, first safety demo, then ditching, then slide (i like this part) and swimming (like this part too). First, we were divided into 2 group, the other becomes the crew and we the other group becomes the pax(passenger) so they have to imagine that its a real flight and they have to demo safety procedure in case of an emergency (we did this practical in the fake aircraft i forgot how to spell it) after they made the demo we wait for our instrustor to shout "UNFASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT, EVACUATE EVACUATE!" so we have to unfasten and run to the nearest exit. Kinda fun tho.

Then slide, this part i like. why? coz we have to jump to this slide 14ft high 3 is so fun to do!! the first time we did it is sitting down, second time shout first then jump the slide and next jump 1 by 1 continuously. Siok la jumping the slide, tinggi tah lagi.

then swimming, each of us were given a life jacket and have to inflate it. And you know what? the life jacket ah so menyanggak leher, so then 1 by 1 jump to the swimming pool from a 5ft platform. Ani pun siok, the swimming pool lagi dalam siok la. After jumping kami kna suruh naik sponson( raft like) and it was difficult to climb, barat! and at the end i got 3 small but painfull cuts.

Then... b4 we end the swimming practical, partner and swim to the other end dragging your partner w/out their help(kiranya menyelamat durang la) and vice versa. Lastly swim to the other end w/out jacket.

It was tiring but siok and after the practical we have a small picnic near the pool, and jasmine spag was so nice, nyaman2 la makanan masa atu.

k bye, gotta have shower(i'm stink!!) and dinner. Then ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.bye

Thursday, July 14, 2005

finally 3 days off.......

hey how come no one tag me?! no one syg me animore ka? :-(

The training went fine, the 1st day of training we have to filled in lots of forms from personal data for office to insurance..... tour around the training centre and met my future leading. And starting that day we were told to greet everyone there and smile.

Now its been nearly 2 weeks and tadi we just had our fire drill, fun la coz the question they asked are easy and acted as if there are fire is a great experienced for me. Next week we are goin to have a swimming practical again...can't wait. Speaking of relation with my badgemate, they are cool, fun and very helpful coz we at the moment learning SEP (safety Emergency Procedure) so we keep on talking about all the safety equipment which help us to remember.

Gosh i'm so tired, nasib jua ada cuti 3 hari. Almost everyday i wake up at 5.30am and mesti jln b4 6.30am takut traffic jam.ZZzzzzzzz k la nanti lagi aku blog.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Sunday everyday.....

Mmmmm.....well this week is sunday for me coz i've got nothing to do, all i do is hang out and just get ready for the training which start next monday. i'm so nervous dudes, oh yeah last week we have to do medical checkup and it went well than i expected but there are one thing that i'm afraid of... needles! i remembered msa i was in form 6, ambil darah for medical check and this nurse poked the needles 3 times on the same spot coz awal2 darah ku nda cukup.mana nda ku phobia lapas atu.

Apalagi ah, eh awu aku blum buat surat beranti and few things masih lagi di kelas.Nanti tah aku ambil. Blum ku tebuat surat....k lah, nada gi yang kan ku taip.bye peeps.....




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