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[[ the incredible ]]

age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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- March 2005 - April 2005 - May 2005 - June 2005 - July 2005 - August 2005 - September 2005 - October 2005 - November 2005 - December 2005 - January 2006 - April 2006 - April 2007 - May 2007

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Pwincess Pancy
Prince Dillah

The College

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Monday, November 14, 2005


hey guys, just back from sydney today at 3 days in sydney was the nicest 1st longhaul. Why? coz i flew with my badgemates and we had lots of fun there. It took us 7 hours of flyin to sydney and we reached there at around 3am brunei time. Thank god its not a full flight coz i'm so sleepy.

Anyway the 1st day we got there everyone is sleepy and tired except nasrul and me coz we are so excited. After check-in unpack my stuff and went down for a smoke at this nice open area.Then guess what we are doing when all the crews are sleeping in the hotel, tryin to look for the shoppin area and end up lost for almost 3hrs causing my feet to sore badly..finally we found this nice area for shopping but the funny thing is that the shop is just behind our hotel which took 5-10mins walk which is the place where i sit for a smoke after i check-in..haha i am so pissed at myself for the 3 hrs of walkin.

At night went to this place called darling harbour, its a harbor + hangout place + nightclub = fun. It was 12.45am sydney time and we still at that place, the view was nice and relaxing plus the upbeat music from the nightclub.

2nd day 6 of us went for a cruise at sydney harbor. It cost alot but worth it, we were able to view the opera house and took pictures. At night we went to darling harbor again for picture session.

3rd day- sight seeing and shoppin..we were lucky that it was sale time and there this one shirt i saw coz $34.59 after discount it cost for only $10!! wow! it is the greatest price i've ever encounter.

Return flight was ok....tired as usual. can't wait to have sydney flight again.

ok guys, i'm done with my crap gtg to sleep coz i'm workin again tomorrow. bye

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari raya to all of my friends...maaf zahir batin. I would like to apologies to anyone of you if i ever offended or hurt your feelings and so on.. To igsan sorry couldn't join you guys. Next year tah saja kamu ke rumah ah.

Just back dari beraya at my friends house..started at about 4pm tadi beraya ke rumah mamat--> zaidi--> yati--> sofi (open house)--> zidah(open house)-->my house-->rumah mamat lagi-->indra-->manih..sampai rumah at around 12.45am tadi, it was a fun day coz all of us finally meet,askin for forgiveness,talk and update about each other,laughin at jokes and all the funny past time. For the past few months we hardly see each other coz each of us are so busy with exams,some just started new life at UBD,some just started to work and some are so busy with the work pilling up.All i can say about last night was fun fun fun and fun.BUt....

Tomorow mamat open house, unfortunately i could not join that, have to work tomorow and the next day and the next day and be back by next week when the raya mood is over and everyone back to work and school...*yawning* ok guys gotta go to sleep..bye




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