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[[ the incredible ]]

age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

[[ past missions ]]

- March 2005 - April 2005 - May 2005 - June 2005 - July 2005 - August 2005 - September 2005 - October 2005 - November 2005 - December 2005 - January 2006 - April 2006 - April 2007 - May 2007

[[ the followers ]]

Pwincess Pancy
Prince Dillah

The College

[[ tagboard ]]

Friday, March 18, 2005

Khap kun Khap!!!!

did i spell it right? neway, finally i got my own blog. can write wat i want, everyone are invited.1st of all, i would like to say that i'm sorry if i have gramatical mistake or my story doesn't make sense. and no pic for now(wait till i have a digi cam or camfone). There are many to be improve in my blog, give comment ok. u noe, before i can get my blog, i keep on registering the account. why? bcoz my stupid lappy la, keep on disconnected. palui!

neway on the 18th march is my 2nd time as a coordinator, this time the tourist are from thai, navy yo! they are so white, i mean the uniform, ketat lagi tu shirt drg(baik tah inda lamas tu) i keep on asking everyone why they wear such a tight shirt. esuk ada lagi, i'm gonna be the coordinator and stand by. *yawn* need sleep.k bye. oh yeah, happy holiday yeah everybody....




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