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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

phew! presentation and test postponed..

Thank god that our economic presentation and stats test postponed coz i have not prepared anything at all. so now all i have to concentrate is beach festival, knapa la drg vote aku jadi president? To be honest, i had enough being a leader. cukup tah masa di smsa where plp helped me, criticised me, stabbed me and bla bla bla. kesian my society for having me as a president, a prsident who don't noe wat to do and wat to say...

i don't noe whether i shud say this or not.... ok today officially i HATE I REPEAT HATE STATISTIC!!!!! And the shit thing is that i have to pass that subject. Before this i no so like not so hate stats, i tried my best to cope with the subject.

i remembered the day that we discussed bout re-sit our test, she scoulded us fooling around. that test is last year test and she shud give us early this year but noooo..... she give to us like 5 months later. So now we have to re-sit plus test. i just noticed that kami jrg test for stats last year except nowadays test mengajut. Iatah ani, byk plg yg kan kami revised.This is all becoz of her! her! her! *breath* *breath*


Blogger fizz said...

I think you're so capable to handle some big jpobs.. good idea.. and everything. Well, that's my reason. I don't know them.. =D

4:19 PM  

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