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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Pringles-once pop u can't stop

i woke up at 6am and i have to rush coz i want to jln awal today. Florance follow me to muara port. but before that my parent and i are lost for nearly an hour to find her house.hehe plan kan nda mau akhir at the end akhir jua. Thank god, drg blum masuk ke port.

i head to royal regalia first to help pancy coordinate. The sock smell still sticking and i gez it will stay for months....pheww!! i can't imagine how the tour guide can stand it. speaking of tour guide, kevin(1 of Megaborneo tour guide) group was so organised. They follow him every where he goes, plus he is tall so he can see everyone. while waiting for them to finish, pancy and i were chit chat and she give guides about tag and blog skin. Thank you pancy!!! but i'll do that in my free time since i have lots of thing to do from assignment, homework, revision bla bla bla.... and now i'm beginning to hate stats coz i have no idea about it, i'm lost already.

Continue with the tour thingy, after regalia we rushed to Kg ayer to help the others. since there are many army so i have to follow one of the boat to guide them to Hj Tarsat's house. I'm so quiet not talking to them coz i have no idea what to talk about. Damn.... i should've said something. The ride was ok, except that the shit water keeps on splashing on to my face.eewwww!!! so disgusting.

Once arrived there, foods are served and what i noticed is that inda sampai 2 mins the food is gone. Nda cukup di meja atu ke meja dakat dapur lagi drg since got this pretty girl cutting the cake.

For lunch, we headed to yayasan and this time the food that were provided were so delicious. Nyaman makan ku nya mo! pi kesian flo and tet coz i msg them a bit late. They already order their food. Jln2 with pancy around yayasan, boring kali ah kan duduk di vann sja.

After lunch back to Kg ayer, same thing giving the army or shud i say navy life jacket. 2 thai navy didn't want to go coz they said that nothing interesting in kg ayer. so they stay with me la at the ibb jetty. and when they asked my question i was like can you repeat that ? or what?! seriously i hardly understand them.

Again go to Regalia, same stink smell welcome me there,hehe salute eh arah tour guide ah. had a chat with tet and marilyn. Marilyn was actually quite friendly compare to the first time i met her.

Last destination, Mall!!! wait for all bus to arrive and jln2 with pancy and florance. Florance are so well known at the mall. where ever we go she always meet some friends. Need a place to sit and pancy don't want to go to chill so we go had some ice cream at DQ.

Jln punya jln tejumpa tet at chill, and she needs our company since she is the only one with 3 navy. Mau nda mau tepaksa, heheh oh yeah pancy finally jumpa her "waiter". She shank hand with him. Blushing yo si pancy,hehe i cannot hide my smiling face.

at 6.15pm all bus head back to muara port except 5 and 6 go to stadium for football match. patut tah drg bwa gandang, kan support thai team panya. sampai di port at around 7pm, kesian florance have to wait at the dark alone. Finding her house was not a problem this time.

Yess finally my work has finished. Now tinggal college work lagi. Before went back home ke Aminah Arif dlu for dinner and fudge message me. I'm tired and i don't know why after i replied his msg, he was asking am i ok. Anyway had a good smsing with him, batah sdah nda jumpa even tho aku slalu di bdr.

oh yeah, i forgot to mentioned something. for this 2 days of working not only me but everyone (coordinator+tour guide + boss) noticed that almost all the navy bought lots of pringles. At first we thought that there are going to have a party in the ship kali panya nya drg pringles di thailand mahal..klau la drg navy atu di brunei for one month sja, out of stock eh pringles di brunei.

gtg, have to pack my stuff before head home, home sweet home here i come.......


Blogger Ms. Tan said...

Hellow fariz.......

Malu lah.... hehehe my waiter... kekekeke

9:39 PM  

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