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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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Friday, April 15, 2005

Another sleepy day

Yesterday Igs got a football match and i am suck at football. I'm blur all the time, don't know what to do but i had fun. Once afif and i reached apartment, we bought dinner coz tired to cook bah. So after that i took a very long cold bath, i like it when i took a cold bath after sweating. Ok then i watched tv then sleep till morning.

Ok this morning i woke up a bit late but if i knew that our class started at 9(coz sir ismail thought its saturday) akhir ku bangun. School day a bit sunyi today, don't know why. Maybe sal pancy and fizah nada kali, hehe.

Oh yeah juz now masa statistic as usual i'm bored but i try to do all the exercise. Ok some of the question nda ku tau kan buat so i asked the others sambil atu becerita sma drg jua bah, ketawa2 apa. Kali at the end of the class, ms wan told me to be serious during class. Duh... klau ku tau inda ku masuk tadi. k bye, nda ku tau kan taip apa lagi. Kan balik




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