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[[ the incredible ]]

age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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- March 2005 - April 2005 - May 2005 - June 2005 - July 2005 - August 2005 - September 2005 - October 2005 - November 2005 - December 2005 - January 2006 - April 2006 - April 2007 - May 2007

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Pwincess Pancy
Prince Dillah

The College

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Saturday, April 09, 2005

beach festival, panz b'day, sick!!!!

sorry lama sdah in update. ok lots of thing happened few days ago. last sunday Our college had a beach festival. mm... had fun and our team, yellow team won three games plus one award for best footbal player to our capten zuwairi. After that we went for a splash in the shore, main air till our skin are reddish. And as for me, i 'm so black that usual plus fews pimples pop out and abit sakit la when i took a bath.

Then on tuesday is pancy b'day happy b'day pan, she lnja me and other frens at chill. and we have to dress cool, rugged and funky i gez. So i took nearly 2 hrs thinking of what shud i wear coz most of my shirt and pants di rumah so finally i come out with sunmting ok. hehe, the fun part is that tini said that i look like simple plan singer. my nose nearly burst.hehe....

ok, this week almost all night i slept late and woke up early in the morning, so i'm always sleepy this few days and on thurday afternoon, i had a runny nose so i think its normal coz i always had a runny nose since iwas a kid. oh yeah, speaking of sleeping, afif moved back to apartment, and now i had fren in the apartment. And i have started smoking again, but not addict tho. . i'm had an off and on relationship with a smoke.

To digress, hehe new word i learn from l&c class, on thursday nite hang out with GD and yati, had lots of laugh and stupid jokes. But this time mamat nada coz he's in bali for a holiday. esshh, anak atu bnar klau enjoy nada msg org. ok we kept on chit chatting until 1+am bru balik rumah. zoom after i send them back, zoom ke rumah coz i remebered yati's story and that creepy story happened near my house.

Friday same as normal, go for friday prayer and then visit my uncle, no wonder my dad asked me to go home this thursday. That night again, i slept late, cannot sleep then this morning woke up at 8am and my head felt so heavy and dizzy and the runny nose that i had on thursday comes back but bcoz of the aircon, my nose is blocked. At first i want to go to college coz i got test, kli kna suruh rehat sja. Fiz called me asking bout her pendrive, sdah ku usai the night before pi sumting is wrong with the pendrive. And she told me tini missed me. Lupa ku tanya tini miss fariz or pierre(did i spell it right?)

Feeling much better at the afternoon, so decided to cook coz i'm bored. Like last week i cook lamb chop with same recipe and same sos. ok while waiting for the lamb to cook, watched entity (scary man!!!) and Sembilu 2005 pi blum abis. Nanti tah lgi sambung. Then 2 hrs ago went online, visit panz, airance and icequeen blog. My lappy is so damn fucking lagging tonite.Ani kan tidur ku. k chaow, hope college surver recover sdh so dat i can update my blog. And bout the tagboard and stuff give me more time oit,coz i'm bz with lots of work from presentation, test, report and lots of crap..




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