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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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Friday, April 22, 2005

Lelaki Melayu

Yes another holiday, a day away from school is a day of happiness. Why? Away from school pressure like homework, assignment, wake up early and annoying friends hehe no lah juz kidding. The last three days i don't feel ok, neck sprained and body temperature nda betantu.

Yesterday ada ceramah, thinking of not coming but at the end datang jua coz its a compulsory for the muslim student. But the talk is fun tho plus free food after that, hehe. But after that ada football match pi malas ku join, not in the mood and i'm broke. So balik awal reached home at around 6pm, rest for a while then plan kan hang out with yati and Gd.

At first kan janji jln kul 7pm(i drive) kli my nephew minta dangani main game, so tepaksa la mun nda nangis. So main punya main sampai kul 8pm, took a shower and then finally fetched them two hours late. So di gerai manih, we talk and talk till 12.30 then sampai rumah at 1am. I'm so tired but out of a sudden my eyes are watery and my nose are itchy. I remembered that masa di gerai i touched this cute cat. Hehe so my eyes are swollen and a red nose. Take Paraton and go to sleep.

This morning actually janji sama yati kan hang out di rumah Gd, help him to finish his work. We plan to go at 10am. Guess kul brapa aku bangun? kul 10.45am and when i looked at my fone 3missed call and 1 msg. again i broke my record of keeping my friends to waiting for me for two hours. And bcoz of that they called me lelaki melayu tulen.




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