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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Fun dAy bad News......

Ok so today we got this questionnaire about the lecturer... i had fun answering it especially For my statistic lecturer.. Its an easy way to tell her that she sucks at teaching....

Then i heard news from fiz that i'll be expel from college???? Well to be honest, ever since the end year exam, aku akhir dtg ke kolej or nda dtg and also didn't show up for my stats phase test. So i'm fine though, just wait whether its true or not...

I just don't know why latetly i'm so damn fuckin lazy, this is the first time i had problems with my attendance and marks. To clear things up i gez i have to meet my tutorial lecturer. Bye, got to pack....Lumutville here i come




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