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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

LAzy, tiRed And bOred.....

Sori for not bloggin for a long time. Been busy lately, and there are lots of thing in my mind... Well last week i have a swimming test and it was freakin fun. Everyone has to jumped from the platform and the lifejacket is chocking me.hehe.. they checked my weight that after that and i lost 1 kg yoo.. so 2 more to lose. Mmmmm well this thursday my group got this gathering at coffee bean, wish i cud join but that nite i go bak kb and next day go to miri

Oh yeah last thursday my sis gave birth to a baby girl. Our very first niece and my mom and dad always holding her... biasala first cucu bini2. Anyway i tried to keep fit last few days, went for a jog with yati, Gd and mamat at anduki. Damn track!! sakit kaki ku olehnya, I've told them best place to go for a jog is OGDC ramai gi org dpt jua cuci mata.

Bout school life, my attendance are dropping, test marks drop and i didn't even came for my re-sit test which is worse. It's not that i'm confident to get the job but mun sdah malas , malas tah ku. Tambah gi byk work need to be done, my main worry is bout club for the open day. Nothing have been done and we have 3 weeks left.

Todays test is suxxx... did prepare but still cudnt understand all of em... plus its funny that i'm sleepy today coz kemarin puask kali ah aku tido... Esuk ada management test so better prepare then come empty minded.

Oh yeah bout the interview thingy, my family didn't know bout it tho so everynow and then i have nightmare bout the moment that i tell them. Again last thursday i wanted to tell my dad but unfortunately that time he is holding a machet so i don't want any slaughtering happen heheh.... So i'm waiting for the right moment to tell them the truth.... I noe what i did is wrong but i just can't study anymore at this time...




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