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[[ the incredible ]]

age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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- March 2005 - April 2005 - May 2005 - June 2005 - July 2005 - August 2005 - September 2005 - October 2005 - November 2005 - December 2005 - January 2006 - April 2006 - April 2007 - May 2007

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Pwincess Pancy
Prince Dillah

The College

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

goodbye IGS

hi peeps, sori lama nda update my blog. do rumah payah kan go online ani pun aku online di librarry IGS after i returned my apartment key, anyway lots of thing happened as you peeps know like gala night(even tho some prob happened but for me its the best) lus i'm sure that i'm gonna missed the moment where we hangout di pantai empire after the gala we shud do that lain kali lagi if aku nda bz la.

Ok as u peeps know that i got a job as a cabin crew *grin* hehe didnt expect to get it...kemarin briefingnya and i have to do a medical checkup and loss weight sal masa interview aku over weight (jgn ketawa). So next month start training for 3 months then flying la aku.

So since i'm leaving IGS to all igs peeps i'm gonna miss u all, its been a pleasure to be part of IGS family and i would like to thank you to principal, lecturer for giving me the opportunity for being there, ahu and diah for helping me preparing the malam mesra and open day(print gambar) to my classmates, thanks for being a good fren. azim vios thanks for helping me buat account, sorg tah ko ni zim roomate afif(hope that you read this) thanks for being such a nice fren during our stay di apartment. jrg tah lagi ni hangout mlm2 di luar igs...

PLus if ada function macam malam mesra ka apa ka, invite la aku insya allah if aku nda bz ada ku dtg. last but lots least sorry if i ever did mistake to anyone of you sama sengaja,nda sengaja, nda sengaja pi usulnya sengaja o sengaja pi usulnya nda sengaja*apakan*

oh yeah, nda kan ada ku gtau my parent nda tau yg i got the job, so when i told them my dad went specchless tapi tangannya keep on changing the channel(satellite) my mom senyum kambing but at the end drg restu jua atas apa yg aku buat and told me to be serious in it.k lah next time aku blog lagi and i'll be keeping on bloggin.bye

oh yeah, panz if kamu kemiri lagi ikut, that day we had so much fun eh hehe but you shud not get drunk anymore....

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Is today will be my last day at IGS?

Ok the IGS open day finally end. So i would like to thank everyone who help me in doing the work for my club that is fiz,ahu,azeem,azyiem,khaliq and so on. Had fun today even tho tired, When the time we took picture just now i looked at i'm gonna miss Igsan and just now i sit down in my classroom thinking back of the past moment i've been in that class and incident that happpened in that class.

Well saturday is our last day and hope that i manage to spend my time with my friends. Guys its been a pleasure to get to know you and i will never forget you people. Even tho i'm happy to get the job but bare in mind that it's really difficult for me to leave Igs.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

IGS open day and gala night

ok so this week ada igs open day start ari i'm so tired bcoz of the last minute work for the club...hehe nasib ada yg ringan tangan menolong.. and this saturday ada gala night so wish tha it will go smoothly as i expect and hope that i won't faint on yhe stage coz i'll be the MC.

Tadi i just sat down at the club booth and watched video made by ubai for his club... to be honest it made me sad to leave this college. This is the best college i've been to and everday i have a new experience. I met with different kind of people, different attitude... there are ups and downs, happiness and sadness all combined and it was a great experience and i'll never forget..

Sometimes i ask myself am i doing the right thing?? next year probably i'll be graduating if i stay well not that i don't want to stay but suddenly one morning i woke up i said "i'm sick of studying" Few of my friends told me syg if i quit coz i'm already half way.. but i don't want to reject the job offer...

that is why sometimes i'm blur or diam2 coz i'm thinking about this.. i have to think about my future... gtg blog later bye

oh yeah, have anyone of you download games from qqstation? coz i did but none came to me and i've wasted $18 oredi.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Lucky me....

wow... the moment that i've been waiting for is finally end, ever since the 2nd interview i keep on holding to my fone waiting for it to ring, i'm scared to leave it even for 5 second and everywhere i go i always bring it. So last thursday we were called for a meeting, so i almost forgotten about my fone coz i expect that the meeting will only took half an hour or so but then ku mabil sja la..hehe so while we were having the meeting my fone vibrated and an unknown number appeared.Then the good news, i got the job and the training start next month so basically next week is my last week in college.

I'm sure that i'm gonna miss my frens, roomate and especially the gangzters hehe. Oh yeah pancy, thanks for the complement about you cannot work with other...But you might never know that maybe it's not like you expect...

yesterday went to miri with GD and mamat, for 3 months i've saved money and finally i bought my dream fone that is Nokia 3230... I just can't stop holding and playing with the camera.. biasala sakai hehe well gotta go, my sis waiting for me.Bye




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