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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Best Friends Vs Siblings

Helo guys, today i want to share to you about my thoughts. Its been in my head for years and now i wanna get it out from me. Well have you guys experience or notice that you are closer to your friends or best friend than siblings. I do, i have no idea why coz there are many things that i notice when i'm with my best friends and siblings.

when i'm with my best friends, i become more open minded coz we talk about movies, people, interesting things and sometimes sex. And i'm not afraid to swear if i'm made and among us we get use to tease each other with names and so on. Plus they understand me more and know me better even tho that i've been knowing them for like 8 years now. We like to spend time together rather than staying at home and its a habit for us to hang out every week especially friday,saturday and sunday but now on sunday coz mamat pun jrg(selalu long haul), yati di ubd and me busy with my training.So when we didnt meet for a week it feels so weird and as if something is missing. And to admit sometimes we did argue,quarrel and so on but at the end betamu jua masih.

If with sibling, i'll become quiet and close to myself. sometimes i was treated like kid especially my parent and...yg pentingnya i'm totally the opposite when it comes to behaviour and so on la.

well iys not that i like my best friends than my siblings or we have a cold relationship but we're not like before. Now each of us have our own life,own career and responsibility.

oh yeah today i had my first aid test and i passed it 96%! shit i got 1 wrong and its the simplest question.

There are things that i need to improve about myself:
1) i'm a big spender- need to control that and sometimes i can buy stuff that i dont even need.Stupid ah!
2) stamina - before i get in to iGS i used to go for a jog at OGDC, but now my stamina level is low plus now i have no idea why but i'm becoming a heavy smoker which will make that even worse for me
3)tae kwan do - the last time i went for tkd practice was last december and now i want to continue and get a black belt.This one is gonna be tough one in matter of time
4) Friendly - in my company we were told to greet to anyone we meet no matter who there are even the cleaners too.So i'm trying to become a friendly person as good as sincere as i can.
5) take care of my health- If i'm stress or tired i easily get sick and weak,well now i have to learn to take care of myself
6) Independent - usually i get money from my dad, now since i have my own allowance so need not to ask from him
7) education - i quit college for a job but this is not the end for me,insya allah i try my best to keep myself learning all the knowledge that i can get.
8) time management- i'm bad when it comes to punctuation bila meeting my best friends, there this one time they wait for me for 2hrs

Well there are many things that i want and need to improve about myself...but now i'll try my best to just do what i've mention above.




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