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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

grooming,ports and routes and glossary

hello peoples, aku sibuk bah iatah jrg update my blog. But walaupun sibuk, i had so much fun and i got good news.

Ok last 2 weeks on saturday, kami semua plus instructors ke essensual mall for a make-over. All of the guys have a had a hair cut and manicure while the girls hair bun,french manicure and make-up lesson. Spend money plg on that dat but we can claim it iatah siok tu, then in class we during grooming we were taught to walk up straight,sit nicely and climb the stair elegantly in addition the instructor gave us the boys tips on how to be more a gentlemen towards the girls. oh yeah i forgot to mention that in our class we have like tables with mirror for the girls to fix their make up and wall mirror for us to practise walking.

the last 3 days are a bit tough for us coz we study about time differents coz as you know i HATE maths but this calculation is a bit simpler and then currency,airport names,documentation and tax for each airport.

Then this morning, got new topic that is glossary where we learn about about the terms for the fork,spoon,oven and so on. There are lots of thing to remember and tomorow is the test..wish me luck.

And lastly the good news, is that i passed my all of my previous test and insya Allah in 3 weeks i got my uniform.

MMMmmm... well i talk more about my training, lets talk about my life... apa ah... ok when my life as a student all i think is to study,have fun,spend money and if i broke i can ask for money from my dad, friday is holiday and less responsibility.

Now, there are things that i need to learn and think about. To be honest i am a big spender and i'm goos in spending money for useless stuff. Now i have to be more calculative in spending money coz if i broke its a shame thing to borrow money from my parent coz i'm working. speaking of money my lancer are so damn dracula, everday almost $10 for fuel even though i drive slow and sometimes w/out aircon. Not only that, when it comes to friday it does not feels like a holiday for me coz i'm still having my training every friday and bcoz of that i'm beggining to appreciate saturday and sunday coz this is the moment that i can wake up late and relax.

oh man..i have no idea what i want to write animore.bye then, esuk ada test.




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