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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Night Stop ,solo,fasting

Hello, as the topic says above i just got back from manila for an overnight stay. I departed from Brunei @ 8++pm and reached there @ around 11.15pm. 1st time been there was an amazing experience coz now i see how manila is so my senior brought for a sightseeing plus shopping @ this place named baclaran which is a night market selling things with an affordable price. And as for me, i don't know what to buy coz i have nothing in mind so i've decided to see around. What i saw was so... different from here in brunei, poverty is in front of my eyes people begging for money from people walking around,homeless people and children w/out family and yet they are so young like around 6 yrs below and they already smoke!

Its was an eye opening experience for me coz sometimes i never appreciate what i have and what is around me. As you know that Brunei is one boring country but sometimes we shud thank god that our country is blessed with peace and less poverty.

Ok enough of that, I've posted about solo filght before right. Its been 4 times already i flew as solo and so far it was ok except the last one. Let me share bout my 1st solo... i was actually on standby which started from 9am to 3pm. So the night before i slept a bit late coz i expect that i don't get the call but my prediction was wrong...they call me exactly @ 9am and what makes it worse is that i just woke up and the reporting time is 9.25am!!! i have only 25mins to prepare and rushed down to airport. So 35mins after that i reached terminal and everyone was on board already doing their work. But even tho i'm late, it was a nice flight coz i got a nice leading.

Working during fasting month is a challenge to me. Why?! ok first we are serving food to our passenger.Just imagine that you smell the food but you don't eat it. It is very tempting and sometimes i hear the food calling "eat me eat me!". And then Well you know, when you are fasting you know how your breath smells like right? And then you have to talk to passenger close to their face so that they can hear you...hehe so every now and then when i work i check my breath before i start my service and keep on gaurgling with listerine.

I think that is for now,need to prepare my stuff coz later @ 7pm i got a flight to singapore and its night stop again horray!!!!!! singapore here i come!!




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