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[[ the incredible ]]

age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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- March 2005 - April 2005 - May 2005 - June 2005 - July 2005 - August 2005 - September 2005 - October 2005 - November 2005 - December 2005 - January 2006 - April 2006 - April 2007 - May 2007

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy b'lated b'day

2 days ago my family and i celebrated our dear mother's b'day, it was a small occasion and we had a bbq and cakes and its was my 1st time to have a bbq under a very heavy rain,nasib jua all the chix cooked already. Anyway i've told my mum wish her happiness and bless, maintain her health and thx for being so supportive throughout my life even though i did a lot of mistake in my life....You are the best mum that i could ever had...

And to all of my friends, i'm really sorry if i didn't msg or even missed call, it doesn't mean that i forget you guys. Sometimes i missed you and i'll recalled all the memories, the time when we hang out and talking and so on...plz do understand and to "you know who you are" (if you read this).. i'm quite suprised when i received your msg this morning that you've threated me that you'll forget me if i didn't reply your msg...friends never threathen each other but we understand each other, i know that friends are important but there are things that i need to focus on. You remembered the time when you dumped me as your friend and then one day you msg me for an apology? it took me almost 1 yr to accept it coz that was the 2nd time it happened but at the end i don't want to add you to my X-friend's list. So i'm begging you, plz do understand and missed call is not important, what count is that i remember and always do all the things we usually did few yrs back..and bcoz of you i'm addict to chocolate and everytime i ate one i think of you....

ok, change topic... when i was doing flight from dubai to london guess who is my passenger? Ms Natalia! So we talked a bit sja la... and again she asked me whether i want to continue my study..hmm i myself don't know about that and the 1st day i've reached dubai i was so puzzled about people likes to shop in dubai but on the last day my senior brought me to city centre, the mall is so huge where you almost anything and the cool thing is that ( for me lah ah) we can smoke inside the building.

ok chaow..go to work bye




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