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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
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Friday, May 04, 2007


another reason why i like to read book is that, well maybe this sound funny but once i finish reading a book i feel relieve and happy that i manage to finish it besides enjoying the story line and so on. After that i will take all the unread books and choose which one should i read next...this sometimes can take a awhile. Sometimes i choose a book that have been in the shelf for long waiting to be read.

Usually i can finish one book (depends on the thickness), maximum 2 months (haha i know that's long) coz busy with hang out and clubbing..minimum 3 days if i have nothing to do. One of my bad habit is that sometimes i miss 1 or 2 days not reading the book.

All this time, after reading book i found that i have a few favourite books and most of them i lend from my friend. Tuesday with Morrie ( you can see the movie version in Hallmark), For one more day, The child called it, The lost boy, Deception point, P.s i love you. So right now I'm looking for some of the books (even though I've read all but i want to own them coz i want to have a good collection.

Unfortunately, there are few books that once i finished reading them, i totally not satisfied and sometimes I'm lost at the middle of the story..meaning that the books are so damn fucking boring and such a waste of money.

Anyway, i try to keep this hobby of reading books till i die, its good to read.

The end...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Bookworm-part 1

hey, just got back from long haul last monday. So damn tired, coz i slept in the car on my way home, once reached home continue again in my room till 7pm and yet still sleepy and by 11.30pm managed to sleep till 10am yesterday morning which was odd coz usually once i slept in the afternoon i had difficulty sleeping at night. Yesterday i feeld sleepy the whole day, felt asleep when i was reading my book.

Regarding bout the topic, yup i started to have a habit of reading books in my spare time and at the moment i'm reading Dan Brown book called digital fortress. I bought the box set last year but i only managed to read 3 of them this year coz got lots of book to read. Last trip i bought 5 books and it still in the plastic bag which make a total of 8 books still waiting to be read..hehe that is alot

Actually how i started like to read books is because one of my friend is a bookworm and one time we had a flight together to london. So we went to Books ect which is one of the best book shop in london. Spent hours there looking for a nice book coz at that time i have no specific favourite author but now i do but yet i spent hours to look for books and author that i've never heard of.

Even though i have lots of unread books i still buy them just in case i don't have flight to London and i know this sound funny or weird but i like to see all the books that i bought piling up, now i'm still looking for books that i've borrowed from my friend. I've read it already and love it thats why i want to have it for my own. Love to have a good collection of books.

And besides love to read books, i took care of it when i'm reading it...meaning i don't like to fold the page or have a wrinkle on the side of the book and try to make sure that its still look new. But unfortunately some of it get spoilted by the water dripped from my air-conditioner.

to be continue......

Monday, April 23, 2007

New life...

wow its been a long time that i have not post a blog or even open my account. It took me hours to figure out my username and so on.

Feels like it was yesterday that i just register for this in my college library, but now i'm at home and have a job that i like and everything change alot. Its not like what i expect it to be but its good. I just found my 2005 management diary, had few journal that i wrote just to expressed my thoughts cause at that time i don't dare to say it out to any of my friend. After reading it, all the memories comes back to me when i was a student and i have no idea what i want to do and i'm lost. I have alot of doubts about what i had done, scared that it might make my life worse but i was wrong and i'm happy with what i am now.

Plus i also re-activate my old email account as well as my old friendster account...hehe feels good seeing all the old things that i usually do.. well ok gtg, got to call someone.bye


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Songkran 2006

sorry for not bloggin for a long time...been sicked(my wisdom tooth juz popped out and it is so so painful...won't able to eat or chew on solid food for almost a week which coz me to lose weight, 3 kg to be exact). OK so 2 days ago juz got back from flight Bangkok which give me a chance to experienced how songkran looks on the 13th of april 2006 my senior and i went for a clubbin..when we enter the entrance the atmosphere are so busy and full of people. Thought that songkran haven't start yet but i was wrong, before we enter the club people threw water at us till we are soaking wet and some of the girls maskara melted....Songkran is a new year celebration for the thai so basically that day and the next 2 days are holiday which means that the club is packed with people and it is so difficult to get through...And what i like about that club is that they have different section for each music...R n B different side, rock the other side of the club and so does for other music (do you guy understand me?) The club is s o huge and i recommend to all of you who likes to clubbin..thailand is the place..ok bye

Friday, January 27, 2006

New destination

hi..just got back from perth..called up. ok last sunday i just got back from long haul, new pattern for me that is brunei -> Dubai -> Frankfurt -> Bangkok -> Brunei..everytime i got a longhaul i am so nervous coz i'm thinking who i will work with but alhamdullilah i have a good set.

i'm lucky to flew to this place at that moment coz dubai and frankfurt are having a sale...seriously its not like in Brunei where there said 50% off but still expensive but in this 2 places is the opposite..When they say sale it is really sale, i've finished most of my allowances to buy t-shirts from Zara... and the prices are affordable. That is in dubai, in frankfurt i went to zara again, oh my god!! the prices are unbelievable plus i found the same shirt i bought in dubai which cost 68 dirham ( B$34 ) and guess the price in Euro.. only 7.99 euro (B$15) cheap kan..mental ku..klau ku tau nda ku beli di dubai..

The weather in Frankfurt was snowing at the time when we arrive so freezing cold man!! took some picture with my senior before the ice melt..

In Bangkok, lots of things to bargain and i only had 1 day there..still its not enough. Bangkok is an interesting place to go for a vacation and for clubbing..

This saturday i'm going again to dubai..hehe can't wait..

oh yeah to all of my friends who are going to celebrate Chinese New year 2006, Gong Xi Fa chai (did i get that right?) sorry could not come to those who going to have an open house...bye

Monday, January 09, 2006


The day i have waited for is finally here....for months or should i say since last year i have worked so hard to get it and today 09 JANUARY 2006 my baby born at around 3pm. The moment i see my baby i'm so damn happy and excited, can't wait to hold it, pamper it and enjoying all the moment with my baby...So all this time i worked hard and savings are worth it. thank god that finally i can afford to buy a car that is hyundai tucson, the car that i've been aiming for months..

I'm so happy that i've got to go, suprise my bestfriends...ok got to go...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy b'lated b'day

2 days ago my family and i celebrated our dear mother's b'day, it was a small occasion and we had a bbq and cakes and its was my 1st time to have a bbq under a very heavy rain,nasib jua all the chix cooked already. Anyway i've told my mum wish her happiness and bless, maintain her health and thx for being so supportive throughout my life even though i did a lot of mistake in my life....You are the best mum that i could ever had...

And to all of my friends, i'm really sorry if i didn't msg or even missed call, it doesn't mean that i forget you guys. Sometimes i missed you and i'll recalled all the memories, the time when we hang out and talking and so on...plz do understand and to "you know who you are" (if you read this).. i'm quite suprised when i received your msg this morning that you've threated me that you'll forget me if i didn't reply your msg...friends never threathen each other but we understand each other, i know that friends are important but there are things that i need to focus on. You remembered the time when you dumped me as your friend and then one day you msg me for an apology? it took me almost 1 yr to accept it coz that was the 2nd time it happened but at the end i don't want to add you to my X-friend's list. So i'm begging you, plz do understand and missed call is not important, what count is that i remember and always do all the things we usually did few yrs back..and bcoz of you i'm addict to chocolate and everytime i ate one i think of you....

ok, change topic... when i was doing flight from dubai to london guess who is my passenger? Ms Natalia! So we talked a bit sja la... and again she asked me whether i want to continue my study..hmm i myself don't know about that and the 1st day i've reached dubai i was so puzzled about people likes to shop in dubai but on the last day my senior brought me to city centre, the mall is so huge where you almost anything and the cool thing is that ( for me lah ah) we can smoke inside the building.

ok chaow..go to work bye




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