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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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Friday, April 22, 2005

Lelaki Melayu

Yes another holiday, a day away from school is a day of happiness. Why? Away from school pressure like homework, assignment, wake up early and annoying friends hehe no lah juz kidding. The last three days i don't feel ok, neck sprained and body temperature nda betantu.

Yesterday ada ceramah, thinking of not coming but at the end datang jua coz its a compulsory for the muslim student. But the talk is fun tho plus free food after that, hehe. But after that ada football match pi malas ku join, not in the mood and i'm broke. So balik awal reached home at around 6pm, rest for a while then plan kan hang out with yati and Gd.

At first kan janji jln kul 7pm(i drive) kli my nephew minta dangani main game, so tepaksa la mun nda nangis. So main punya main sampai kul 8pm, took a shower and then finally fetched them two hours late. So di gerai manih, we talk and talk till 12.30 then sampai rumah at 1am. I'm so tired but out of a sudden my eyes are watery and my nose are itchy. I remembered that masa di gerai i touched this cute cat. Hehe so my eyes are swollen and a red nose. Take Paraton and go to sleep.

This morning actually janji sama yati kan hang out di rumah Gd, help him to finish his work. We plan to go at 10am. Guess kul brapa aku bangun? kul 10.45am and when i looked at my fone 3missed call and 1 msg. again i broke my record of keeping my friends to waiting for me for two hours. And bcoz of that they called me lelaki melayu tulen.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Sorry no update people..

ok since tomorow holiday so i slept a bit late last night coz i'm watching Elektra. To be honest i'm not that satisfied after watching that movie. Its not like what i expect it to be that is lots of fighting sequences. To compare it with Ali@s, i prefer alias la.

mmm... yesterday got statistic test and i managed to do la pi nda tau pass atau nda tu ah, last minute revision kli ah sampai sanggup skipped economic class. Ok gtg, kan buat assignment lagi.Chaow guys!!

Happy Holiday people. Take this two days to relax ok, even tho some of you got work to do

Friday, April 15, 2005

Another sleepy day

Yesterday Igs got a football match and i am suck at football. I'm blur all the time, don't know what to do but i had fun. Once afif and i reached apartment, we bought dinner coz tired to cook bah. So after that i took a very long cold bath, i like it when i took a cold bath after sweating. Ok then i watched tv then sleep till morning.

Ok this morning i woke up a bit late but if i knew that our class started at 9(coz sir ismail thought its saturday) akhir ku bangun. School day a bit sunyi today, don't know why. Maybe sal pancy and fizah nada kali, hehe.

Oh yeah juz now masa statistic as usual i'm bored but i try to do all the exercise. Ok some of the question nda ku tau kan buat so i asked the others sambil atu becerita sma drg jua bah, ketawa2 apa. Kali at the end of the class, ms wan told me to be serious during class. Duh... klau ku tau inda ku masuk tadi. k bye, nda ku tau kan taip apa lagi. Kan balik

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Special thanks to pancy and fizah

ok finally i have a tagboard and change my blogskin. So to pancy and fizah thank you very much for helping. without kamu entah ah, sampai ke tua kli blog ku inda be tagboard. Pi linkies lgi lah kan di tambah. Enough for today.Sakit kepala ku sal dari kul 11+am till 1.3+pm bah. Neway bye. kan makan ku dlu bye.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Presentation over..

just did my English presentation, not that really organised though but what the hell i got higher merit and it's done oredi. My econ presentation also over so roght now i have to focus on my stats test and exam. Argh!! i have to get high marks to pass this subject and the test that i missed last saturday, well she said i don't have any special paper for it. So i lost like 20% for this subject.mmmm..... i gez i have to work hard and try to revise more.

oh yeah, Management is getting hell boring. The first class i felt asleep, i gez maybe bcoz i don't have enough sleep but last monday i felt asleep again and i don't pay attention to what this new lecturer said. well i don't know what to say again ani pun sja kan update. Oh yeah, to fiz sabar ah. awu my blog nada tagboard, can u make it for me ;-.) pls...!!!!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

beach festival, panz b'day, sick!!!!

sorry lama sdah in update. ok lots of thing happened few days ago. last sunday Our college had a beach festival. mm... had fun and our team, yellow team won three games plus one award for best footbal player to our capten zuwairi. After that we went for a splash in the shore, main air till our skin are reddish. And as for me, i 'm so black that usual plus fews pimples pop out and abit sakit la when i took a bath.

Then on tuesday is pancy b'day happy b'day pan, she lnja me and other frens at chill. and we have to dress cool, rugged and funky i gez. So i took nearly 2 hrs thinking of what shud i wear coz most of my shirt and pants di rumah so finally i come out with sunmting ok. hehe, the fun part is that tini said that i look like simple plan singer. my nose nearly burst.hehe....

ok, this week almost all night i slept late and woke up early in the morning, so i'm always sleepy this few days and on thurday afternoon, i had a runny nose so i think its normal coz i always had a runny nose since iwas a kid. oh yeah, speaking of sleeping, afif moved back to apartment, and now i had fren in the apartment. And i have started smoking again, but not addict tho. . i'm had an off and on relationship with a smoke.

To digress, hehe new word i learn from l&c class, on thursday nite hang out with GD and yati, had lots of laugh and stupid jokes. But this time mamat nada coz he's in bali for a holiday. esshh, anak atu bnar klau enjoy nada msg org. ok we kept on chit chatting until 1+am bru balik rumah. zoom after i send them back, zoom ke rumah coz i remebered yati's story and that creepy story happened near my house.

Friday same as normal, go for friday prayer and then visit my uncle, no wonder my dad asked me to go home this thursday. That night again, i slept late, cannot sleep then this morning woke up at 8am and my head felt so heavy and dizzy and the runny nose that i had on thursday comes back but bcoz of the aircon, my nose is blocked. At first i want to go to college coz i got test, kli kna suruh rehat sja. Fiz called me asking bout her pendrive, sdah ku usai the night before pi sumting is wrong with the pendrive. And she told me tini missed me. Lupa ku tanya tini miss fariz or pierre(did i spell it right?)

Feeling much better at the afternoon, so decided to cook coz i'm bored. Like last week i cook lamb chop with same recipe and same sos. ok while waiting for the lamb to cook, watched entity (scary man!!!) and Sembilu 2005 pi blum abis. Nanti tah lgi sambung. Then 2 hrs ago went online, visit panz, airance and icequeen blog. My lappy is so damn fucking lagging tonite.Ani kan tidur ku. k chaow, hope college surver recover sdh so dat i can update my blog. And bout the tagboard and stuff give me more time oit,coz i'm bz with lots of work from presentation, test, report and lots of crap..




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