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age: 20
birthday: 24th Oct '84
loves: God, the incredibles, very berry

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Fun dAy bad News......

Ok so today we got this questionnaire about the lecturer... i had fun answering it especially For my statistic lecturer.. Its an easy way to tell her that she sucks at teaching....

Then i heard news from fiz that i'll be expel from college???? Well to be honest, ever since the end year exam, aku akhir dtg ke kolej or nda dtg and also didn't show up for my stats phase test. So i'm fine though, just wait whether its true or not...

I just don't know why latetly i'm so damn fuckin lazy, this is the first time i had problems with my attendance and marks. To clear things up i gez i have to meet my tutorial lecturer. Bye, got to pack....Lumutville here i come

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

LAzy, tiRed And bOred.....

Sori for not bloggin for a long time. Been busy lately, and there are lots of thing in my mind... Well last week i have a swimming test and it was freakin fun. Everyone has to jumped from the platform and the lifejacket is chocking me.hehe.. they checked my weight that after that and i lost 1 kg yoo.. so 2 more to lose. Mmmmm well this thursday my group got this gathering at coffee bean, wish i cud join but that nite i go bak kb and next day go to miri

Oh yeah last thursday my sis gave birth to a baby girl. Our very first niece and my mom and dad always holding her... biasala first cucu bini2. Anyway i tried to keep fit last few days, went for a jog with yati, Gd and mamat at anduki. Damn track!! sakit kaki ku olehnya, I've told them best place to go for a jog is OGDC ramai gi org dpt jua cuci mata.

Bout school life, my attendance are dropping, test marks drop and i didn't even came for my re-sit test which is worse. It's not that i'm confident to get the job but mun sdah malas , malas tah ku. Tambah gi byk work need to be done, my main worry is bout club for the open day. Nothing have been done and we have 3 weeks left.

Todays test is suxxx... did prepare but still cudnt understand all of em... plus its funny that i'm sleepy today coz kemarin puask kali ah aku tido... Esuk ada management test so better prepare then come empty minded.

Oh yeah bout the interview thingy, my family didn't know bout it tho so everynow and then i have nightmare bout the moment that i tell them. Again last thursday i wanted to tell my dad but unfortunately that time he is holding a machet so i don't want any slaughtering happen heheh.... So i'm waiting for the right moment to tell them the truth.... I noe what i did is wrong but i just can't study anymore at this time...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


helo guyz, sori lama nda bloggin. Tired and lots of thing in my mind lately. Di kolej as you know byk kaja kan dibuat from test, re-sit, open day and gala nite. So anyway this thursday i got sumtin to do and i'm so nervous coz i heard it's so hard.

Mmmm.... Last nyt i was alone in the apartment. Malas ku join football practice coz i'm not in the mood. So i was walking around Qlap searching for Shirt for this thursday. At 1st i wen to H2, baju sana mahal2. So i decided to go to Parvati. Suprisingly ada a few baju lawa2 and price is affordable. Som dtg lah beramai2 ke kadai parvati. Hehe promotion sikit. So i picked a dark green shirt juz to match it up with the tie that i'm gonna wear. Must look good on that day.

well i need to lose 3kg this time coz according to my height my weight supposed to be 64kg. So they have told me to lose weight ion order for me to get that. I managed to exercised that day but the problem is that lately i have hugh craving for foodsssssss all the time. Even tho i had a appetite control pill but still masih lagi mcm tikus kelaparan.

Its 3 pm oredi and i have no idea whether stats class start oredi or not. She didn't come this morning....mmmm wonder why... so anyway i beginning to suck at Management. The subject that i liked before coz its theoretical. But ever since we changed lect i suck!!! I 'm beginning to feel lazy to learn and come to college. Yesterday i came at around 11am which mean that i missed accounting and half and hour late for my phase test.

For those of you who know what i do right now, well actually i did it w/out my parent concern. There are a reason why i do it. So right now i try to get it first then if confirm i get it then i try to tell them nicely and convince them that i will take full responsible of what i do. I know what i do is so stupid but just like what i say, i do it for a reason. So now and then i'm scare that they will go balistic and disappoint with me. They expect me to get a high qualification and good life but you know there are other ways to get a better life. Thats why, with god's will i want to become an entrepreneur if possible.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Update Update Update

Exams over!!! BUt still got phase test and assignment. Eh fiz, walaupun nda byk pi payah kali ah. Pkir primary 1 punya keraja. Anyway, i have no confident in passing my account. Eco paper was easy but i didn't study di rumah, kan jln sja keraja ku. Siok wah hang out with my best frens, they know me for like 8 years already and they understand me and know my true colour. They help me even when i didn't ask for it.

Sushi sushi sushi.... yuuuummmmmmm!!! 2 kali sdah aku makan sushi, last week di mini Q and last nite di Misato celebrating Yati's Bday. Hapi B'lated Ti!!! Sorry nada pressy, pi insya Allah if i Got "it" aku lanja ko di Misato lagi k since ko Misato freak.

Tini, har, noi and hilmi. You know what they have in common? asking me whether i have a girlfriend or Not. Let me clear this out. i am single and available but i don't want to have any relationship now. I want to be single, single kewls. Why? coz i can do what i want to do, go where i want to and spend my time with my frens anytime i want to. Memang i admit that sometimes i'm lonely but now i just want to enjoy life to the maxxxx!!!!

Three days left and i becoming more nervous especially about my weight. well hope that i pass it. mmm.... what again ah oh yeah, i've read this joke arah pearl health read ah..

One day a student walked in her lecturer's room and closed the door. She walked slowly to him and swing her hair, she crawled onto his table and say

student : i would do anything to pass this exam.
She gazes meaningfully into his eyes..
Student : I mean...(she whisper) i would do anything

He returned her gazes and say
Lecturer: Anything?
Student : Yes! Anything!
Lecturer : (whisper) Would you study?

Sorry if you guys don't understand the story coz i save it in my fone but some of the story lost.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Exam! Exam! Exam!

Yesterday got Account exam and it Suckzzzz!!!!! I didn't sleep for almost 25 hr to study but only like 20% of what i study came out. But what the hell i can re-sit. Oh yeah Happy B'day to Noi, sorry no pressy. Mmm..... nothing to post, got to study Bye.




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